Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase Does Reddit AMA: Who Put Him & Steve Austin Together, Buries WC

Posted by Jenniffer Sheldon on Friday, August 16, 2024

Ted DiBiase Jr., Ted DiBiase Sr., Brett DiBiaseWWE Hall of Famer "The Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase did an AMA – – on Reddit's pro wrestling board, r/SquaredCircle, answering a range of questions featured below. Check out the complete AMA at the link above. 

It was Vince McMahon's idea to put Steve with me. They obviously saw the potential Steve had and with the heat that I had, it gave him more heat. Anytime you take a young talent and "rub them up against" an older established talent it helps to elevate them to a higher position. This is known as "giving them the rub".

It wasn't so much that I was his mouthpiece. It was just that I was the right person at the time to bring him up to be recognized at that level.

It was the most poorly run organization that I have ever worked for. Eric Bischoff was never a wrestling promoter or a wrestler. He some how got hired to run that company. It's amazing. Eric is a man who said he would run Vince McMahon out of business. We all know how that story ended. It ended with Bischoff working for Vince.

Jimmy "Mouth of the South" Hart wrote my WWE theme song. Not only did he write my song, but virtually every entrance song for the wrestlers of my era. Jimmy Hart had been one of the lead singers for a music group called "The Gentrys". They had a chart topping hit called 'Keep on Dancing'.
